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10:56 AM

24.8 mi


22.28 mi / hr


QR Lucero


162 bpm
180 bpm


9 / 10

Race Result

35 / 56 (62.5%)
3 / 6 (50%)
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I'm not sure if i was a little too conservative looking at how much I was able to pick it up in the last few km. The start order was by registration order so all the cats were mixed and 1 minute between starts Two guys caught me. The guy behind me caught me at 10 km and a guy 3 back caught me just before the 20 km turnaround. The guy who started in front of me was within view and I could see him gradually getting reeled in, then finally cuaght him at about 15 miles, another guy at 18.

Going out on the hills, I really worked to go hard and keep my cadence up, but that meant dropping to my small chainring some. I tried to make sure my HR didn't drop below 160 though. At the 30 km, mark, I started to really up the pace. and then at the 5 km, I was nearing red-line. I was red lining and giving it every thing I could find for the last 2 km. I was within about 20 yds of catching a 3rd guy at the end. I didn't know I could get my HR to 180 on the bike.

I carried my aerobottle with 24 oz of water mixed with the powerbar electrolyte powder (no calories, just flavored). I was already almost out of fluids at the turn around. with it that hot, I could have probably drank more.
