Bike: Race Previous Next


20 km


22.57 mi / hr


QR Lucero


9 / 10

Race Result

9 / 146 (6.2%)
2 / 10 (20%)
  • Map

<No name>


mixed feelings about the bike. I was happy with my split, but I was really frustrated with my stupidity costing me a couple of stops. I had a slow start from having trouble getting clipped in, and then my cadence sensor rotated into my spokes so badly that i could feel the friction on the wheel. i stopped to fix it, and then it rotated a gain after the next turn and i had to stop a 2nd time.

It was a 2 loop course. There were a few rolling hills the first part of each loop into the headwind, which had me in my small chain ring, so I wouldn't call it a really fast course. Cooper caught me as i was hopping on the 2nd time (his wave was 3' back), and I just kept him in sight the rest of the race (legally - about 4 bike lengths back at the closest points). HR meter wasn't picking up, so no data there, but I was really pushing the whole ride. Carried water and took occasional sips.
