Swim: OWS Previous Next


8:00 AM

2 mi


1:42 / 100yd


144 lb


7 / 10
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At Cedar Creek Lake (Tool, TX big day)

.wearing wetsuits, I was told the swim was right at 2 miles by someone else with a garmin. We did two out & backs. the first was about 24 minutes at HIM effort. and then we slowed down for the "out" of the second and then picked the effort up a little on the last leg back.

i was able to hang with Cari and just sighted off of her and tried to stay in her draft for most of the swim. Then on the final back, she started off to my left and never pulled ahead. I sighted on docks for that final leg and finished a couple yards ahead. I'm feeling really good about sighting when breathing right, but need to work more on sighting when breathing left. I also need more practice drafting in open water off of someone slightly faster. Today with Cari helped, but since we didn't have a great direct path made for a challenge with just 1 zig-zagging person to try following.
