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9:32 AM

81 mi


18.94 mi / hr


QR Lucero


144 lb
124 bpm
152 bpm



7 / 10
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Ride in Tool, TX

an allergy attack hit me about 30 minutes into the ride. running nose, blurry eyes, and just very light-headed and disoriented feeling. The group was small and surging up the inclines then coasting downhill. I tried being steady and just catching them on the downhills to keep from wearing out my legs when i already felt bad. By mile 60, i was unsure if i'd be able to finish the ride. It was the worst I've felt riding since Hell week, but I hung in with everyone and was still able to take some pulls.

For the day's nutrition, I had 3 bottles of infinit, and then at the stop I had a Twix candy bar hoping maybe the chocolate would give me a little sugar buzz, plus got 32 oz gatorade. Ate nothing between the swim and bike.

Avg Cad; 87

Avg Pwr: 134

NP: 155

VI: 1.15
