Bike: Race Previous Next


28 mi


20.23 mi / hr


QR Lucero


155 bpm
167 bpm



8 / 10

Race Result

162 / 278 (58.3%)
13 / 27 (48.1%)
  • Map

Random Route


I started off and something was wrong with my bike. I was going almost as hard as I would on a west side interval and barely doing 17 mph on a flat section. I had to get off twice bike twice trying to figure out where my wheel was rubbing. I eventually figured out that my back wheel was in at an angle and rubbing the frame. Didn't feel like I got into a real groove until the 2nd loop. Cadence wasn't picking up, so I just tried being mindful of my cadence the entire time. The wind picked up each loop, so this was a little harder course than I anticipated but still easier than NYC.

Just carried my aerobottle filled with serving of Intinite (~ 28 oz of fluids)
