Bike: Race Previous Next


25 mi


21.54 mi / hr


QR Lucero


140 lb
151 bpm
159 bpm


7 / 10

Race Result

8 / 39 (20.5%)
  • Map

<No name>


i had 1 bottle of infinit and almost a full bottle of water on the bike. tried making sure i was hydrated for the run, but finishing a few miles early to not have water slashing for the run.

my HR was 155+ for a few minutes coming out of T1, and then settled down. I tried keeping the effort at 75%. It was tough to go a lot easier than what I did at TXman, but knew it would pay off. I passed Ernesto a few miles in, and then at Mile 19 he suddenly sprinted past me and then let up about 6 lengths ahead. I was expecting that to make the run more interesting, but he slowed down again with a mile to go. I went by him, and i didn't see him again until i was on the run turn-around.
