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10 km


7:25 mi


140 lb
164 bpm
174 bpm


8 / 10

Race Result

26 / 396 (6.6%)
5 / 39 (12.8%)
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although the HR looks high, my effort going out felt 80%. i was chatting to volunteers as i went along. It felt odd to go so easy, but we hit the hills on the third mile and i could tell it was good i"d started easy. I was starting to feel the heat, and lots of people who had been ahead of me were starting to walk. I kept that effort until a little past the 3 mile mark, and then started picking up the pace (aided by some downhills). I tried getting 2 waters at every aid station for 2 sips and splashing ice water on my back & chest to keep my core cool. At mile 4 the volunteers weren't ready for me and the 3rd place girl both as we ran side by side. I was barely able to just grab an ice cup, and was really thirsty at that point.

I reeled in a lot of people on mile 4, and then they all dropped away. I was REALLY struggling to keep running on mile 6 and even started peeing without being able to stop myself, but I saw 1 guy in the distance running and then grabbing his hamstring and walking every once in a while. I reeled him in and passed him while he was walking at the 6 mile sign as we went up a curved ramp to the bridge. I guess he saw my age, because he suddenly took off and I gave it all i had to match but he ended up taking 3rd by 5 seconds. I was so light headed that i ad to lay down, and then they helped me to the 1st aid where they iced my neck and then put me in an ice bath to cool down.
