Bike: Long Previous Next


7:15 AM

51.5 mi


17.1 mi / hr


QR Lucero


144 lb
134 bpm
171 bpm



7 / 10
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Rode easier than normal today knowing that my legs hadn't been tired and I'd have a hot brick at the end. The group got caught at a light on the service road, so I rode alone ahead because I needed to make a pit stop at the gas station. Made sure I kept my HR aerobic instead of speeding up to catch the people that had gone off the front, though. Crom the turn at Cartright on, I rode easy with Mikey. I didn't accelerate at all on the hills like normal, and was even chatting with him still going up. I pulled a small group on the service road back in, but intentionally went moderate instead of steady like normal, until the very last little stretch when some guy we picked up started half wheeling me, so I punched it up a little to get away from him.

drank 2 bottles of infinite, and a bottle of all sport. legs felt a lot better than they'd been feeling. felt really fresh at the end of the ride. I could have gone a lot longer with no complaints, if needed.

Avg cad; 87

Avg pwr: 141

NP: 166

VI: 1.18
