Swim: Free Style Previous Next


3000 yd


2:00 / 100yd

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f2t workout


didn't feel tired when i got to the pool, but i didn't feel like i had the energy to go hard tonight. it was a real struggle to swim

200 swim

100 kick

200 pull

4 x 200, descending

-- 3:24 (1:42/100)

-----0:38 rest

-- 3:22 (1:41/100)

-----0:26 rest

-- 3:14 (1:37/100)

-----0:27 rest

-- 3:04 (1:32/100)

50 kick, easy (1:15)

3 x 400, descending each 100

-- 6:27 (1:37/100)

-----0:42 rest

-- 6:26 (1:37/100)

-----1:08 rest

-- 6:31 (1:38/100)

-----0:39 rest

4 x 100, mod for 2, then steady for 2


----0:34 rest


-----1:00 rest


-----0:39 rest


50 easy kick (1:21)
