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13.1 mi


8:01 mi


147 lb
157 bpm
164 bpm


8 / 10

Race Result

218 / 1785 (12.2%)
22 / 175 (12.6%)
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decided not to risk hurting my feet by using the race flats and stuck with my traditional trainers. felt good starting out, but my left IT band started hurting at about 4.5 miles. I made it my goal for this run to only walk at water stations to make sure i got fluids in. I carried my own gu flask with 3 Powergels in it instead of taking race nutrition and only took water from the course. Had the first dose of Gu at about 2.5 miles and then again miles6 and 10. My legs felt like total mush by mile 10 and it was tough to keep going. I saw lots of people that do really well at short course races walking, so i felt good either catching them or reeling them in closer each run.

i did have a side stitch for a minute or two at the end of thee first loop. I don't remember having that since when I started running. My right feet were aching on the last loop (just in general. My right foot was cramped after I finished. I took my shoes off almost as soon as i left the finish shoot, and couldn't bend the foot to walk like normal.

I sat in the med tent with some cold towels and an Otter Pop since I was light headed and stumbling a bit after finishing. I then went and got my dry clothes and Infinit Recovery drink.
