Event: NOLA 70.3 Previous Next


7:32 AM

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Followed Ilana's pre-race carb loading for the race week I woke up at 4:30 and ate 1.5 white bagels. at 6:40, I had a banana, and I sipped on a 20 oz bottle of gatorade race morning

didn't feel real strong on the swim. The course was a little long, but my arms felt really exhausted before the half way buoy. Had a little trouble deciphering the setup for the swim exit. I'd tried looking the day before, but they wouldn't let you back into transisition with out making a big trek if you went to look.

I carried 3 bottles of Infinit on the bike. I spilled half of one while fixing a flat 10 minutes into the race. I had carried a can of Pit Stop, a CO2, and my spare. I will start carrying 2 CO2's though. It took the Pit Stop and the CO2 to re-inflate my tire. The pit stop lasted until the 20km mark, so I rode the last 43 miles on the rim. I also spilled another half bottle of infinit when I tried taking a turn to fast with the flat and went down.

My glutes ached when I got to the run. I debated just saying continuing after the flat was a bad idea, but decided to at least do the out -and-back to see how my legs would loosen up. I felt like I was making a good time at the 3 mile mark. The humidity and worn out legs got to me, though. I took water or gatorade at every aid station (every 1.5 miles). I took a gel at mile 3 and 6. I ran non stop until around mile 6, then resorted to run-walking.
