Bike: Interval Previous Next


5:39 PM

21.3 mi


18.2 mi / hr


QR Lucero


141 lb
132 bpm
166 bpm


9 / 10
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2 west side intervals.

was told i need to watch my left ankle. oddly, that one feels like i flex it a lot while the right one feels like it stays steady. at least i can feel the difference and try getting there. its always my left side that has aches from running, so i guess that leg has issues all around.

my legs felt a little tired tonight. I pulled on all 3 intervals. the first was just me and jimmy. he started a little in front of me, and then faded by the hill. I just focused on high cadence and even effort and had dropped him by the end. Blake joined us for the next two, but i was on the front the entire time of both. part way through the second, I had some weird indigestion where i burped/threw up a little (stomach wasn't feeling strained from the effort and I hadn't eaten recently). You can see a drop on my hr graph when that occurred. It went away and then happened at the very beginning of the third interval. not sure what that was about. I felt fine after that.
