Swim: lessons Previous Next


7:00 AM

900 yd


3:20 / 100yd


143 lb
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He said my kicking is really improving. I no longer just drag my legs behind me and the kicking is keeping me on top of the water better. We worked more on finishing my stroke with my right hand. I need to feel like I'm finishing with my hand going away from my body for it to actually be going straight back. I also needed to work on not starting to lead the pull with my elbow once I got to about even with my belly button.

homework: I should do lots of 1-arm drills (2 1-armed strokes on one side, then switch for 25. Up it to 3 strokes each side, and then 2 strokes each side + 2 regular strokes). I'm not letting water slip when i do the 1-arm drills, so need to ingrain this. I also should do some swimming with fins & paddles together.
