Event: Tri Waco Previous Next


7:20 AM

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Breakfast: 150 cal bottle of Honeymilk around 5:15 am (7:20 start)

Nutrition: 1 bottle infinit on bike and 1 bottle water, plus sips of water at aid stations

T1: 2:27 (6th AG) it had a long run from the water, but I SCREWED UP! I'd loaned my aero helmet to Peter, and didn't think to re-adjust it to my size. I put it on and it was way too loose, to I had to re-adjust.

T2: 1:14 (4th AG) better, everything went pretty smooth

Pacing: was told to go moderate until the last 5k of the run because it was going to be so hot. felt like I did that, and it paid off. missed podium by 5", which I lost in a final sprint.
