Bike: Long Previous Next


8:49 AM

95.4 mi


16.46 mi / hr




145 lb
129 bpm
154 bpm


7 / 10
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Random Route


Avg Cad: 84

Avg Pwr: 137

NP: 160

VI: 1.17

Elevation Gain: 2730 ft

Hell Week Day #2. "LBJ Ramble" route. it was very windy today and celina and I rode most of the day on our own. we cut the route a little short since I was feeling bad and Celina was feeling tired today, too.

I had another Cliff C Bar again like on the long ride last month at base camp, and had the same stomach issues. By about mile 55, I was burping every 30 seconds. I think they are too much for me too process when I'm consuming Infinit, too. with onlly Infinit, i can't hydrate and give my stomach a break, so it seems to snowball and get worse. by the time I got back to the Hotel, i had to just lay down and let my stomach settle before I could stretch & shower. felt perfectly fine after it did, though.
