Bike: Progressive Pace Previous Next


8:16 AM

91.7 mi


19.49 mi / hr


QR Lucero


145 lb
146 bpm
163 bpm



9 / 10
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Celina HS


3 x 30 mile intervals. easy, moderate, HIM pace

wind kept getting worse on each, and was really brutal on the last one. I got a slow leak on my rear tire almost as soon as my third interval started. The chip seal felt strangely bumpy, and then when it ended I could tell my tire was half deflated, so stopped and changed it. It was tough to finally start feeling in a good rhythm and have my HR at 155, then stop and restart. I had my HR alarm set on the last one to stay over 155 for the final interval, but I could not maintain that. I kept trying, but could never keep it there. Even with the lower HR & power, my left quad was aching and started contracting/shaking weird at about mile 84. from my own looking at the HR graph, I think i went too hard after stopping for Celina's flat on the second interval.


Breakfast was normal smoothie + 1/2 cliff bar

1 bottle infinit + 1/3 bottle water on 1st interval

1.5 bottle infinit + 1/2 bottle of water on 2nd interval

2 bottles infinit + rest of water on 3rd interval

Also few sips of water between each and several big drinks before starting my brick

Infinit recovery mix and half clif bar right after brick, then lunch in frisco
