Run: Brick Previous Next


9:49 AM

7.4 mi


8:11 mi


140 lb
158 bpm
165 bpm


9 / 10
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think i screwed this up pretty badly. i was supposed to run an hour at HIM pace. I intended to run at the same effort as my middle section on wed, but almost as soon as a started, a dog started chasing me. i thin that got the adrenaline going and i picked up the effort and couldn't get my HR down in the heat. i was really struggling to finish in this heat. i ran clockwise around the lake including the hill at winfrey point and up on the dam, getting to the wooden bridge for the paddleboats. ended up stopping twice to take a drink and cool down. 86 at start of run, 89 at finish. Sunny and no wind.

carried water and a shot size gel flask filled w 2 powergels mixed with water

avg cad: 90
