Bike: Progressive Pace Previous Next


6:27 AM

90.2 mi


19.3 mi / hr


QR Lucero


143 lb
141 bpm
160 bpm



8 / 10
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3 x 30 mile ride at the Richardson Wild Ride Rally.

I did ~ 22 miles before hand, and then finished with several loops on the closed roads near the finish to get the last 5km completed. I drank a little less than 4.5 bottles of infinit (not a lot during the first hour, but increased consumption as the ride progressed. I was a little worried I was going too fast on the 2nd interval. Pacing seemed a little trickier on it (and the tail end of the 1st), because of the other rally riders. Pace lines would surge by, then let up. I tried to just move out of the way and stay out of their draft so I could ride steady, and then eventually passed most of them. I was tired at the end, but could have held the pace a little longer. (i.e. I wasn't dying, like I have been on some of these progressive rides). I checked on my Avg Pwr a few times during the last interval, and it was actually creeping up, so I wasn't slowing down.

**** on the middle segment, the first half is nice and flat, but there is a bit of a small scoop in the second half, that is what to work on during moderate efforts (where longer races are raced at).
