Run: Recovery Previous Next


6 mi

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The Glade


Recovery run in the glade. Left knee, left lower back, and right achilles are all still a little painful each day, but I feel like the pain level is low enough that it shouldn't effect me in a race. Left knee is primarily just swollen - there is some clicking on the outside of the knee cap, but it doesn't really hurt when I run. The lower back feels sore in the mornings, but usually it doesn't hurt during or after my runs. I've continued to wear the back brace most days and have iced it when it's hurting more than usual. And the achilles is the same as it was 6 months ago. It hurts while walking first thing in the morning, then it stops hurting until my run. During the run, it starts hurting at about the half-mile point, and it usually hurts for about half a mile, or close to a mile at worst. Then it loosens up and doesn't bother me again the rest of the run.
