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  • Exercises


Round 2 of the new routine. Did all 5 exercises again but think I'll switch to just 3 on my next gym visit (Friday if all goes well - but need to plan around a tempo run).

Forgot to bump up the Dead lifts by 10lbs - no big deal though as I'll get there soon enough.

Squats - 100lbs 5x5

Deadlift - 100lbs 2x5 (again, an extra set to help practice form)

Barbell Row - 70lbs 5x5

Over Head Press - 50lbs 5x5

Bench Press - 70lbs 5x5

Each lift felt pretty good and not too challenging...noticed some general fatigue creeping in however on the last couple of sets of OH Press and Barbell Row.

Changed the order a bit which may explain my back/shoulder fatigue....will dial things in better on Friday.
