Run: Easy Previous Next


4 mi


6:50 mi


Worked on some pretty wicked tightness right at the hip where the ITB attaches (just learned this yesterday). I've had this problem a few times in the past couple years and have been chronically tight for a long time but always thought it was glute related and just didn't give it the proper attention. (**This is likely still caused by glute issues**)

This is basically the source of some of my ITB tightness and the occasional resulting ache at the knee (classic ITBS symptom).

Well this run was no different as the mild knee ache came on and I could feel the tightening growing at the hip...but otherwise my additional loosening/massage efforts must be doing some good as I felt really strong once I got going. Needed a stretch break just after 3 miles and think I could have turned this into a longer and quicker run without the ITB issue. Working on some extra stretching and mobility with the hopes of solving this for good and perhaps holding off on strength work for a couple days.
