Health: Health / Technique Update Previous Next


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The technique change is going well. My body is slowly adapting to the new stresses and the expected discomforts/aches and muscle soreness are hopefully beginning to fade. I feel stronger, faster and sturdier running like this.

But of course, I'm still dealing with various aches and right now that problem is a recurrence of my on-going affair with ITBS. Ever since my come-back from patellar tendonitis, this has been a common theme but never really gets bad enough to warrant my full attention.

Well, at this point I'm not fighting as many problems and my training isn't full go so I'm going to work hard to get this solved. For now its a bit nagging and has been noticeable for about a week. Soreness at the insertion point (iliac tubercle) is the worst and along posterior section of the ITB near trochanter. I've dealt with the latter before and after a couple days the soreness fades. I've always had tenderness and tightness at the insertion but never explored it enough to work it out and improve mobility.

Given my increase in strength I'm hopeful that this is just a matter of flexibility and perhaps some fascia restrictions.

Hoping to cruise right through this and avoid a lay-off. Especially since the rest of my body is starting to respond very well and my fitness is starting to creep back.
