Run: Easy Previous Next


7.8 mi


7:01 mi


Started rather easy (which included returning a redbox movie) otherwise the avg pace would have been quicker.

Struggled with some pretty tender ribs on the right back and side and tried to force myself to slow down a few times due to the tenderness and the fact that I'm planning to tempo tomorrow. Form/mechanics continue to improve and feel more fluid...its a shame I've been running with such tight hips, flexors/psoas and core for so long. I'm planning to continue dedicating a lot of focus/energy at finding root causes and solutions to my problems. I've spent too much time not seeing the big picture and full body mechanics.

Also of some concern was a tight right knee tendon - quad is pretty banged up from the race so likley just residual tightness (hips and ITB are doing pretty well so I think I'll be ok with some massage). Did some quick cross friction at a stop light and then again midway through the run and everything felt fine after.

Ran the last 2 with Mikey.
