Run: Easy w/Tempo Previous Next


9.1 mi


6:46 mi


Waited for a storm to pass so got out late. Occasional light rain along with random lightning.

Started my tempo after a few miles and managed to settle in pretty well despite the various rib/diaphragm knots still active (finding more overall relief even with the flare-ups and new tender spots - I attribute these to the tissue changes I keep forcing).

Rain picked up at mile 2 of the tempo and then started really coming down over the final 5+ minutes - torrential downpour kind of stuff. For fear of stepping in a puddle covered pothole I decided to shut down the tempo - not too mention it was coming down so hard I had lost my focus on mechanics/breathing, etc. Without the storm I probably would have extended the tempo another mile.

After jogging for a couple minutes it started hailing - so I had to hide in the under-pass by the peace garden for a good 10 minutes. The crazy wind, rain and hail finally let up and I finished my run back home.

Tempo was 3.46 in 20:47 - 6:01 pace. The good news here is that I figured out a couple minor things with regards to my breathing and core stabilization that may help me going forward. And the other positive was that this felt pretty comfortable up until it was raining so hard that I was breathing in water and plodding through flash floods.
