Run: Easy w/Tempo Previous Next


1:30 PM

13.1 mi


7:07 mi


Still not feeling quite ready to roll but at least felt less sluggish than yesterday. Windy, gloomy and damp day with some drizzle. Knee/ITB was feeling improved but did act up late in the run along with left arch- worked a lot on massage/stretching last night.

Started tempo after 6+ and quick stretch break. Pace felt awkward at first but settled in and felt strong with wind at back...then I reached turnaround and coming back south into the wind (15-20mph) really killed the turnover and the HR jumped up.

4.07 miles in 25 min - 6:09 pace. I'll take it given the wind, increased mileage this week, and the lack of workouts of late. Worked a bit too hard due to the wind as I was in the low 160s for a good bit of the tempo and kept backing off. Avg HR was around 158.

Pretty happy with this week all things considered.
