Run: Easy Previous Next


8.8 mi


7:43 mi


A better experience than the first time I ran home from work...found a nicer route by cutting over to Lincoln Park at North Ave. Somehow messed up my watch/time again tonight and so a bit of an estimate (last 6.28miles in 7:41 pace).

Felt sluggish at times and cold for most of it due to headwind the whole way. Legs felt pretty good, a couple brief aches of the right knee but seems like steady improvement (been icing and working on the upper quad/hip knots). Also some tightness/soreness in the lower legs - likely from the sprinting yesterday.

**Did have a sore spot on kneecap after Monday night ice/massage which hopefully was just some scar tissue breaking up...didn't bother me during the run and feels much improved as of Wed. morning.
