Health: Knee/Quad Update Previous Next


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3 days off so far (likely will make it a 4th) and seemingly a lot of improvement but its difficult to say until I try to run again.

Noticed the dull ache again this morning when I first got out of bed but no surprise I suppose given the large amount of mall walking yesterday along with shoveling the driveway.

Range of motion is back, quad seems to be healed, and general discomfort from walking, etc is all but gone. I've been wearing a knee sleeve and may run with it on the first few return attempts.

Problem seems to be either quadriceps tendinitis OR patellofemoral syndrome (runners knee).

I had a brush with runners knee a couple years ago and corrected it quickly with inner quad strengthening...might require it yet again along with general strengthening.

Cause is a little iffy still, but tight calves and running in snow likely changed my foot fall and form just enough that over the course of 1.5 hours of running caused a bigger problem or caused a dormant issue to reveal itself
