Run: Easy Previous Next


7:30 PM

2 mi


8:30 mi


149 lb
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First run back and it went fairly well. Ran to the train after work...roughly .5 mile without a problem. Once home I got on the treadmill and managed a mile with no pain. Decided to stretch as I've had some very tight/tender hips of late and then jumped back on for another .5

Trying to play it safe, slow and short for now. Quad stretches are a little dangerous at this juncture it seems, so I'll hold off and just roll them.

I really think I've got some muscle imbalance issues that are to blame and really need worked on...did several leg exercises and plan to keep with them 3 times a week or so.

Hips seem to be closely related, flexors very tight and while on the foam roller afterward run I felt a tingle sensation all the way down to the knee
