Health: Achilles / Peroneal Previous Next


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Left Achilles - likely brought on from 2 tempo's last week and then bounding over puddles on Sunday - (a bit too aggressive in many cases). Add to that the lack of lower leg strength work of late and it's not surprising that something broke.

Massage has helped a tiny bit in the last 24 hours but will have to start some dedicated eccentric strength work and probably cut mileage for a few days (or longer) Hoping I can rebound quickly with some caution and dedicated work - the last thing I want is an extended/chronic issue.

Update - later in the afternoon I started prodding a bit more and trying to think logically...if the pain is more on the outside of the calcaneus perhaps its not just the Achilles. Additionally, eccentric calve work didn't hurt at all. The left Peroneal tendons are tender and the ankle joint seems a bit tight - did some mobilization via the fibula like Ed showed me.
