Health: General Status Update Previous Next


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Just a quick overall status update - I'm really getting close to being 100% but still some minor issues that I need to focus on.

Current issues and actions I'm taking include:

- Tight and weak shoulders - working on stretching/massage, improving posture and strengthening. A big part of this is seems to be simple awareness. I'm also working to loosen my chest and upper intercostals (along with serratus and lats). In particular my upper traps and levator seem to be most troubled/tight and most noticeable when running.

- Tight / Cranky / Weak Diaphragm - I'm still learning about this guy but when I do some massage work I tend to feel better overall. When it's acting up it seems to really impact my breathing (of course), sleep, and posture. In turn my shoulders seem to take a hit when this gets tight. Psoas has a direct correlation and back/intercostals also seem to be impacted. The impact on sleep has been pretty rough at times and I'm sure has a knock-on effect for recovery. Obliques also seem to be impacted.

- Right Ankle - Post Tib and Achilles. This one is due to years of neglect. Better stretching and massage and consistent eccentric exercises make a quick difference (Post tib and calf descents). See below for additional thoughts as this impacts foot landing/pronation.

- Right Outer Knee - ITB/Quad/Glute - I'm pretty confident this and the ankle issue are linked and both stem from poor glute coordination on this side (dating back pretty far). For the most part I have this one under control. Despite it acting up every couple weeks it seems to be slowly improving. Continued glute work and consistent massage efforts on the quad, itb and hip are key. When running I need to visualize a bit better on firing/activating through the glute/hip and hopefully this will prevent too much TFL work. Also, I sometimes feel this a bit lower into the upper shin..something to take note of.

- Low back tightness / ache...Usually seems to be the QL and sometimes along the SI Joint. I'm confident this is in direct correlation with my shoulders/posture and perhaps even more to do with my diaphragm and psoas. Working on better stretching/massage and consistent core exercises - specifically lower back oriented. I've noticed improvements in the last 2-3 weeks.

Also seems to be impacted by piriformis being tight and if I have any glute med trigger points.

I have the occasional and minor other issue here and there but I have to assume that they are generally related to the other issues or just simple wear/tear from running and strengthening.
