Run: Moderate Previous Next


4:00 PM

8 mi


7:18 mi


149 lb


27 F
  • Map

8 Miler


Late night, crashed in back home and decided on a nap before running. Didn't have a good meal and it seemed to impact my energy level a bit.

To start, my legs felt fresher and less sore than they have in a very long time. About halfway through however the familiar calve pain/tightness came back into play..primarily on the right calf.

Went with an easy 2, up tempo 4 and then finish with an easy 2 (into the wind). The first quicker mile felt like a bit of a struggle, then they got more manageable...seems to be the case with these types of runs.

Aside from the calve tightness, this was a pretty decent run...with a good breakfast and less drinking last night it could have been great.

7:40, 7:47, 6:58, 6:55, 6:39, 6:40, 7:49, 7:49

127, 130, 145, 147, 152, 154, 142, 136
