Run: Easy Previous Next


7:30 PM

3 mi


8:14 mi


149 lb
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Kind of a flop...knee was feeling good until I pulled the leg back for a quad stretch before starting. This brought on a flare up and convinced me to stay inside and play it safe.

Good thing as I needed to stretch after only a mile. Was able to struggle through another 2.

The discomfort was stronger than the last couple of days but in more of a dull manner (if that makes sense). Made running quite uncomfortable.

My range of motion however was oddly improved as a broader range didn't create discomfort.

If this is indeed the pilca issue, the key is getting rid of the inflammation/irritation, loosening hams and overall strengthening of leg muscles.

Considering setting up an appt to confirm problem and perhaps try for a cortisone shot.

A nice leg workout after, mostly half squats and single leg "dips"
