Run: Easy w/Tempo Previous Next


7:15 PM

8 mi


7:15 mi


ITBS issues are not gone might be more in the peroneus longus it just seems too low for classic itbs.

Anyway, started out feeling decent despite the heat. Ramped up the pace after 3 miles and struggled at times which tells me I should have eased back just a touch.

6:12, 6:16, 6:22 - last mile into a pretty brisk headwind

Discomfort was higher after picking up the pace, quick break after the tempo (stretch, ice, rest) and then back out for an easy 2. Experimented with an itb strap (actually my patella strap) on the cool down but really couldn't tell if it was making a difference or if my break/stretches/ice were helping. Not really sure.

Looking more into the peroneus - tender right under the itbs attachment (gerdy's tubercle). Upper shin is also tender.
