Run: Easy Previous Next


7:15 PM

7 mi


7:30 mi

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Lake Village


Overall pretty happy with this one. Tight and still a little tender during the day with the knees feeling less than great - inner and outer.

Inner knee seems to be due to VMO trigger points, outer is perhaps less ITBS and more due to upper shins and hips/butt. Some piriformis/butt massage (sitting on a ball) made a difference.

Run started with inner knee ache which then was gone by mile 2...outer knee/shin (near tubercle) had a few brief moments of slight ache. Got in 5, made a quick stop to grab reflective vest, got more water and did a few quick stretches. Back out and felt even better on final 2.

Very warm tonight- 89 at the start. Will work on muscles pretty heavily tonight.
