Run: Easy w/Fartlek Previous Next


7.5 mi


6:38 mi


This was an odd run - windy and cold and my legs were ready to roll after some easy/off days. Tendon is still not up to par but was more of slight discomfort today than anything else.

This quickly turned into a progression type of run but then I decided to toss in a hard-ish 400, then had to slow the pace as I turned back into a 20+ mph north wind. Then another 400 and finished up. Not quite a tempo and not really a full on progression run with the up/down pace. Guess I'll call it a fartlek...definitely a workout of some sort.

Likely too much for my peroneal tendon at this point as I could feel things getting achy toward the end but I couldn't seem to reign things in today...cold air was harsh on the lungs
