Run: Easy Previous Next


3:21 PM

5.1 mi


8:45 mi


150 bpm
167 bpm


60 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 60 Wind 10 mph. Gust 18

Smart to shut down for 48 hours...maybe smarter to have gone 72, but its 16 days and counting to this area's biggest race of the spring. Its Friday, 60 degrees, and clear blue skies. Can't throw this day away.

I've kept this cold from taking residence in my chest, but still hangin out between there and my head. Muscles had a little bounce today. Not as much drag. Plan was 5 miles with short quick strides to get quicker pace while dealing with elevated HR. HR did move slightly back towards normal today; still a ways to go.

Pretty decent "running on feel" splits: 8:45, 8:43, 8:59 (which included a short coughing-fit break), 8:40, and an 8:34 quickie in.

Target Race around the corner. Need to be getting stronger, but only physically able to hang on for dear life.
