Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


4:45 AM

0.6 mi


9:57 mi


58 F
  • Map


Medium Run Workout. Had accumulated several hours lost sleep between Monday and Wednesday night, so took Thursday off entirely to hit it fresh this morning.

1) About 16:00 Minute Jog to Track.

2) One Lap Surge/Stride Straights - Walk Turns.

3) Two Laps Strength Intervals (Plyo Jumps/Bounding/Springing/High-Knees/Strides).

4) Six Laps Each Direction AT Tempo Intervals (1st Six @ 7:38 Average Pace/One Lap Jog/2nd Six @ 7:33 Average Pace).

5) Another 16:00 Minute Jog Back to House.

Rusty first AT interval. Even effort, but choppy. Settled into smooth auto-glide on second. Easy to stay AT in this weather.
