Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:27 AM

3.3 mi


6:37 mi


21 F
  • Map


Temp 21 (9) Wind 11 mph.

Short Hill Repeats / Tempo. Originally thinking Friday for this workout, but forecast not looking good. Just going to do it today. Jog to City Park. 1.80 miles at 7:58 average pace.

6 x 14-15 second hill repeats. Walk intervals. One rep every 70 seconds.

Jog to Jr. High track. 1.64 miles at 7:53 average pace. Was going to reset Garmin to alert every 5:00 minutes of tempo run, but watch face frosted, eyes watering in cold north wind, and fingers so numb that I could not work the buttons. Gave up and decided to just run 12 laps (six each direction) in lanes 5/6/7. Knew that would take at least 20:00 minutes.

Went out to run 20:00 at AT. Ran 3.30 miles in 21:50. Average pace = 6:37 with mile splits of 6:40 / 6:37 / 6:35 and averaged 6:31 for last 0.30. Not saying this was AT until the end, but was not "hard" either. Read was off due to single-digit wind chill, but felt like 6:50ish to 7:00ish. Shocked to see numbers at the end. This morning's 6:37 felt twice as easy as Sunday's 7:09??

Jogged home rolling. 2.04 miles at 7:43 average pace. Four dimes and four pennies to finish 2014. Another year in the books:

Total Miles = 2,126.5 -- Sixth year in a row of 2000+

Total Races = 8 -- Top three OA finishes in 6/8 and 4th in another. Undefeated in AG on roads for second straight year. Never chicked or geassered.

OA Wins = 2

OA 2nd = 2

OA 3rd = 2

OA 4th = 1

OA 8th = 1

Money Found = $55.62
