Run: Intervals Previous Next


4:49 AM

3 mi


7:11 mi


55 F
  • Map


Temp 55 Wind 8 mph.

Track Intervals. Primary objective this week will be to get in all cardio work by running. Starting in the hole with full-blown stress out on one front, and so pissed off that eyes are blurry on the other. And here I am at 4:00 a.m...

1) About a 12:00 minute walk from soccer field parking lot to track.

2) Jog four laps at 8:31 average pace. Two more laps of strides on the straights and walking the turns.

3) Workout is 3 x 1200 (3 laps) with 400 jog intervals. How fast can I go without screwing myself up? Expect symptoms (achilles tightness). Complicated by running in the dark, but was able to limit to missteps, adjustments to wind, and in turns (mostly lefts). Able to correct almost immediately with proper adjustments to correct stride. Was going to be content with running the 1200s at 7:00 flat. Ran them at 6:50 / 6:44 / 6:40 averages. Actually less discomfort when running faster than it is when running slowly.

4) Cool down jog of 1.41 miles at 7:58 average pace. Zoned out and ran an extra lap.

5) Walk. Brain so scrambled that I started to head home forgetting my car was in the parking lot.
