Run: Easy Previous Next


10:27 AM

6.5 mi


10:24 mi


205 lb
131 bpm
182 bpm
48 bpm


36 F


8 / 10
6 / 10
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So, today I had a recovery run of 4 miles scheduled. However, a few things happened that led to this being a 6.5 mile recovery run. I had been psyching myself up for my "longest week ever," of 50 miles for a long time now. I looked at my milage total and realized it would have been around 48 miles had I just run 4. So, I made the conscious decision as I headed-out that I was going to run the same course that i ran my M Pace Tempo run on Friday (6.5 miles). This run started-off difficult and painful and finished that way. Every step was a HUGE effort. Every step was excruciatingly painful in mile 1 as it was in mile 6. The downhills were especially tough today. Then halfway through as I grabbed my water bottle and put it back, I somehow stopped my watch and didn't notice it for about 0.75 miles or so. The one thing that kept me going was the knowledge that I had a day off coming and I would be beginning my taper after this recovery workout. I really had to dig deep and find the motivation to take every step when all I wanted to do was give-up and walk.
