Health: Tear/Strained Quad Previous Next


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Well, pretty frustrated with the fact that asking for 60-65 Mile weeks injury free is something the body has a hard time handling...but shit also happens sometimes. Was given the all clear to keep running, just can’t do anything hard for awhile. Scratching the NCC last chance meets sadly and just gonna focus on the 10 miler at the end of May. It’s a bummer, but at least I can still run!


Ryan Root

hey bud, sorry to hear you're banged up. honestly I think I've found that sitting has caused me a world of problems because you're basically limiting your kinetic chain for long hours each day. I know as a student and a coach you end up on your rear end a lot during the day. I would say try doing some light lunges through out the day and make sure to do some dynamics before running. a lot of times when we run after being stagnate for so long your putting a lot of demand on muscles that aren't

Ryan Root

ready to perform (fast or slow). i've personally noticed a lot less problems the more i've become aware of how long I've been sitting. just some food for thought since you seem frustrated by these little niggles of pain and what not.

Mitch Gilbert

Hey man, thanks for the feedback :) definitely trying to do more of this as it can be very easy to fall into a bad pattern of locked knees and not moving around. To be honest, I really think it was the speed workout on Monday combined with Saturday’s long run and then sitting in class and driving a lot. I noticed something was off with my quads after that but then the right one especially. Taking the night off to roll, stretch, and try again tomorrow :)