Run: Easy Previous Next


3.2 mi


7:12 mi


Fantastic as usual! Started about 8:45. I was actually convinced earlier today that I wasn't going to run. I was so disappointed that practice was canceled this morning because I really wanted to do a workout.mthen I did summer reading all day and I just didn't really feel like running. But then I was looking at my log and I saw that if I didn't do anything today I was going to be under my mileage from last week and then I suddenly got really motivated and decided I would do 3. I have done this route a couple times now and I really like it but I'm not sure why. It was just kind of lightly sprinkling the whole time which was kind of annoying. I wish it would have either stopped or just poured but nonetheless it felt great. 11:50 out and actually faster 11:27 back.

And sorry for the late notice but I won't be at regular practice tomorrow because I have to drop my sister off for orientation and there is no way I could run at 7 and then get home and back to BC by 8. So I plan to run at 12:50 with the ambassador group tomorrow.
