Bike: Long Previous Next


64.3 mi


11.35 mi / hr


9 / 10
9 / 10


They gave us such a good hearty b'fast that I could only eat half of the b'fast sandwich, but I packed the rest for down the road! This is a long ride & we did have a headwind. It wasn't nearly as strong as 2012, but it was still there. The wx was sunny and warm, but all good. The sky was super blue and the contrast all week of the amazing sky and lush green all around was a sight for sore eyes! I only stopped every 20 miles. Next time I'll do 10. I could have used a bit more Gatorade I think. It was a lot of work, but I never felt poorly. I did have to drink constantly when I arrived though to make up for it, but it worked out fine. I got signed in and set up camp. Tom had sagged in & Becky and Greg arrived shortly after. Many did have to Sag in. Most stop for lunch as well. I find I'm fine with the SAG snacks and my own munchies so I don't make a stop for lunch. I like to play camp! We went to town (via Hermann school buses - which were HOT) and ate at the same place as 2012 - with Nick and Renee as well. Saw Ed (the younger old Ed) and that was amazing. Last year he crashed his bike and broke his hip. Now he's back and we're all trying to catch up to him again. I saw men in their 70s and 80s in much better shape than I am. They are fun to talk to . . . . if you can catch them. Don, one of the 82 yr olds said to me (after I chased him for 20 miles) "Where have you been all my life", Then, laughing at his own joke he said, "That's right - you weren't born yet - HA!". These folks have spunk. So fun to see them. Turns out he worked as a civilian for the AF teaching mechanics how to take care of the F-4, F-15 and AV-8! How cool is that! He's been all over - Iran, Israel, etc. etc. - mainly with aircraft I know. He was fun to talk to. Has also biked FL so I need to check that out as well. Slept well in Hermann.
