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26.9 mi


10.76 mi / hr


7 / 10
8 / 10


Oh, what fun! Katy Trail Ride 2014! As soon as the buses pulled up at Home Depot Becky, Richard and Mary came over - so fun to see them again, plus many other familiar faces. This has really turned in to quite a reunion. Jim was there as superintendent and I always enjoy him as he's so friendly with us all and we go so far back. Mark (Lee) was there to help load bicycles & he did sweep Mon & Tues and info booth Wed. so we had a good chance to catch up. Mary worked JC info booth. I know people think it's funny how well we all get along when they find out who we all are! It's pretty fun. Mark (Hahn) got to see the folks and the hubbub as well as he came to see me off. I sat with Becky on the bus on the way to St. Charles. We arrived at Frontier Park (special as it was the finish to my first marathon in 2007). We set up camp, got registered and headed for the Pre-Ride to Machens. It really is a lovely stretch. We had some wind which left me wondering though. Saw many others that were familiar from previous years including Nick and Renee. Nick had remembered me admiring the handy mileage chart he, Renee, and Dave had and had made one for Becky and me! So cool. I can't believe he not only remembered, but then made one for each of us. After the ride - some food and the shower trailer! Sleep that night was restless and the bell chimed every hour, but I was happy in my tent!
