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10:00 AM

65 mi


12.36 mi / hr


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Drove to McKittrick & rode to Tebbets. A cloudy and almost cool day, but good for the ride. I only got chilly a couple of times heading back. Enjoyed seeing this scenery again. The stretch from Mokane to Tebbets is difficult sometimes for no apparent reason. There are a lot of intersections on this stretch too, but I sure like seeing Rhineland, Portland and Standing Rock. Took my break in Tebbets. I was getting sluggish/tired already. Picked up two brown canine companions. Both were friendly - one was a pit. They accompanied me as I left. Hmmm. The one ran very well & the other liked to stay just ahead of me so I was afraid I'd hit him so I went pretty slowly. Very oddly, we ran into two other dogs - one seemed friendly -- tail wags were exchanged and we moved on. The other dog up ahead though looked more like a challenge. My companions who I had then deemed my protectors scoped it out - as did I by dropping back. I didn't want to be near a fight. As it turned out my protectors ended up chasing the other dog away. I passed by and that was that. I didn't see my friends any longer, but felt they had been there when I might have needed them. Who knows? It's a nice thought anyway. I've never come across so many dogs in such a short stretch. Also came across, in two separate incidents 4 people riding horseback so we all maneuvered around each other. I don't much care for horses and going by those big animals bothers me a bit, but all was well. I took another quick stop headed back at Mokane - I wasn't feeling very perky so was starting to get concerned, but I picked up a bit. Mark had made it to Portland, driving and he started out in my direction so I ran into him just a couple of miles west of Portland. The advantage of that was getting new energy from a fresh rider to keep my pace up a bit whereas I would have been slowing a lot otherwise. The disadvantage is really pushing! It was good though, and the time passed easily and quickly now with my now human companion. Got to the spur and headed over the bridge to Hermann which was really nice. Went by the waterfront and then to that restaurant I had been to by myself a few years back. We had a really good hamburger with wonderful cole slaw. Thanks to the waitress I put some slaw ON the burger! Yum! Really enjoyed watching the river today too & I'm so glad we made it into Herman. I do so love going over that bridge. What a nice job they did. Headed back. Garmin had run out of juice by then as had I so I'm estimating the last little bit. I'm sure it's pretty near the 65 with the little bit of riding around Hermann too. Got to Suby and loaded up. Drove to Portland and dropped Mark at his car. Drove home. This turned out to be a 12 hr day for me, but it all went quite well, was very interesting, and I got good miles in - this time enjoying company on the final stretch.
