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5:23 AM

6 mi


9:16 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Very chilly run for August, but we went along pretty well. Met Robin early at CC d/t work. This was fine, but darn it doesn't feel like it used to. The foot was better today though so there might be improvement on that. Had lower back pain all day though which is odd for me. Not sure if it's the run or the kids or both. Felt run down. Concerns the running isn't right for me any more. Tiffany suggests cutting by 50% and then evaluating so I might knock it down to 10 miles per week and do more other stuff to see how I feel. Can't hurt to try I guess. Plus, with time off coming maybe I can figure out what's best at this stage. Is always nice to have an hour with Robin in the a.m. though!
