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8:51 AM

50.1 mi


13.41 mi / hr


7 / 10
9 / 10
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Yay! Got a 50 miler in & it felt good! I am SO thankful. Saw the Uprise folks as I was heading out from Stadium. I think it would have bothered me more to not be running if I didn't have the Katy Ride to look forward to and need to train for. Said hi to the folks then set off. What a beautiful day! We've had perfect temps and lots of clouds with great character lately. I stopped at McBaine both ways & then of course Hartsburg.

Dottie's is no longer Dottie's. She sold it to her niece, Linda. Linda, her husband and sons are running it now. It's called Tuckers Mercantile and Cafe. It is a bit different inside decoration-wise, but otherwise it's about the same. I was too late for b'fast, but had a good chicken wrap. Everyone was very nice, but Linda had her hands full. I hope things work out.

Had to add on one mile past Hartsburg so I'd be at 50 when I got back. Never felt bonky & ended feeling well. A great ride on a perfect day. The scenery was gorgeous!
