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5:00 PM

4.2 mi


Ran with Leah today! It was a hot mess because it was like 96 degrees out and we ran at like 5pm and i was definitely dehydrated. I'm enjoying being back on campus but it feels weird for now since it's summer. First day of research went well just training so far for how to do stuff in the lab. Did some mobility and stretching after

We were very sad the bachelorette was cancelled

We'll see how ben's memorial mile goes this weekend! Haven't done any speed or anything to really prepare myself but i think I'm going to meet up with Leonel tomorrow and do some kind of a short speed or tempo work out. We're still deciding on what to do



I would just do a few 200s or something at whatever your goal pace is. Nothing done this close to the race will have any sort of physiological benefit other than getting you used to running faster again.


Bachelorette </333 hopefully it's on tonight instead

Anneliese Schulz

Thanks Richard

@Riley I think it's moved to next monday, so they'll be off a week