Run: Hill Previous Next


8:00 AM

12.7 mi


6:28 mi

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Union Rd PR


Emphasis on the HILL RUN. Pretty rough, but overall good workout. Lots of hills for the workout warm up and cool down. Did the workout with Zach, Gordon, and Gannon today. GPS on watch was freaking out so I had to reference their watches and paces to figure out everything. Anyways, 3.1 mile warm up (6:52, 6:30, 6:24) followed by 5 miles of hill surges/sprints (6x2' hill surges @5:05-4:45pace, and then 2x30" hill sprints at 32 and 30 sec 200m pace respectively...each with a jog down recovery), followed then by a 4.5 mile cool down (3.5 miles of which were uphill) splits for c/d were 6:44, 6:51, 6:52, 7:02(steep), 3:22 (0.5miles).
