Bike: Bike - mountain Previous Next


9:03 AM

40.3 mi


13.79 mi / hr


129 bpm
147 bpm
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Not allowed to run today, so decided on a bike ride instead. Rode down to the oceanfront, along the boardwalk and then further north to First Landing State Park (venue of the inaugural Seashore Nature Trail 50k in December). Saw Ally at around 60th Street who was about 8 miles into her 15 miler -- looking good and trotting along nicely.

I rode along the main trail, out the other side to North Great Neck Road and briefly stopped at the 20 mile mark to have an Espresso Hammer Gel (my favorite btw).

Turned around to fight a nice headwind all the way home and surprised myself with the negative splits.

Good ride, kept it in an easy gear the whole way, but my legs were definitely feeling it by the end.

Hopefully the almost three hour ride was a good substitute for a long run. Just three weeks to go to the Cardiff Half Marathon....
